Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why Salam Fayyad is a badass....

Thank you Haaretz, for the appropriate use of sarcastic criticism. Right-wing Israel doesn't know how to respond to a moderate Palestinian Prime Minister. Come on, it's funny.

Haaretz: Why Salam Fayyad is Israel's Public Enemy Number One

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad attends the inauguration of a new wing in the Al Oma School in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Dahiat al-Barid, on the Palestinian side of the separation wall in the West Bank, November 2, 2010. Fayyad cancelled a visit to another school in East Jerusalem after Israel issued a warrant banning PA events in the Jerusalem Municipality. Prime Minister Fayyad declared that the Jerusalem suburbs will one day be part of the eternal Palestinian capital. The PA has sponsored the renovation of 15 educational institutions in East Jerusalem.